Creating Price Attributes

When a price is created in the system, it is, by default, available to all customers purchasing the product. To limit a price to a specific customer type, one or more price attributes must be applied. These price attributes tell the system to which types of customer the price should appear. The list of attributes available in a Price Record is customizable, and can be set up by users with appropriate access.

For additional information on applying existing price attributes to a price, see the help topic: Applying Price Attributes.

Caution: Price attributes should be added or edited only by site administrators or by users with an understanding of their organization's pricing requirements. Changing existing price attributes can have unforeseen effects and should only be done with caution.

To create price attributes:

  1. Navigate to the Products App.

  2. Select the Setup Feature.

  3. Click the Attribute Groups tab.
    The Attribute Groups tab under Products > Setup contains a list of all price attributes that have been created in the system. The price attributes added to this list appear in the Price Record > Setup tab > Price Attributes menu option.

  1. Click the Add Attribute Group button. The Add Attribute Group form will appear.

    • Enter an attribute Group Name(required). This is the name by which the price attribute group will be identified when applied to a product price. Make this name brief but descriptive.

    • If desired, create an attribute group Description. While the Group Name should be kept brief, more details about the price attribute group can be provided in the Description text box. This description is visible only to staff users.

    • Click Save. The new price Attribute Group is added to the list. The Attribute Group Record automatically opens.

Note: When an Attribute Group is newly created, no attributes have yet been assigned to it. In the Price Attribute list, note that for such groups, the Attributes area is blank. Price attributes must be added to the Attribute Group in order for it to affect a price.

Tip: The Attribute Group record can also be quickly accessed via a Price Record > Setup tab > Price Attributes menu option, by clicking the linked name of the price attribute you wish to view or edit.

Configuring Price Attribute Groups

The Attribute Group Record has four tabs:

  • Overview: Create or edit a name and description for the price attribute group. This Group Name will appear on the Price Record for all users editing or creating product prices.

  • Price Attributes: The primary functions of the price attribute are configured under this tab. Specify by which quantifiers customers qualifying for this price attribute should be limited.

  • Product Types: If the price attribute being edited is for just one or a few particular product types, specify which under this tab. This setting is not required but can be used by clients with a long list of price attributes to limit attributes being viewed on a product record to those applicable to that product.

  • Change Logs: This tab tracks any changes to the configuration of an existing price attribute group, including the addition, deletion, or edit of price attributes.

  1. In the Attribute Group Record, click the Price Attributes tab.

  2. Click the Add Price Attribute button. The Add Price Attribute form appears.

  3. In the Add Price Attribute form,

    1. Enter a Name for the attribute type being added.
      This Name field is required because an attribute may have custom characteristics. For example, perhaps we want to create a price attribute that affects only certain membership types, but leaves other membership types unaffected. In an example like this, the Name field can be used to describe the membership types selected for that attribute.

    2. Choose the Attribute Type to be added.
      Choosing an Attribute Type tells the system how a price attribute should work–there are many options available under Attribute Type, and each indicates a customer condition to which the price should apply. If the attribute type selected is associated with a list (such as "Committee," which displays a list of all committees) multiple options can be selected by clicking the first option, holding down the Shift key and clicking the next option to multi-select or by holding down the Ctrl key and choosing desired options. 

      The following attribute types can be used:

      • Badge Print Count: Choose the minimum to maximum range of badges printed that a customer must have printed to receive the price.

      • Cart Total Amount: Identify the minimum to maximum amount price range that must be in the customer's cart in order to receive the price.
        For example, a tote bag merchandise product is set up with two prices: one for members-only of $50, and another offering a price of $40 if the cart total amount equals $100. If a member adds the tote bag alone to their cart, the price displayed for the bag is $50. If the member purchases an event registration costing $250 as well as the tote bag, the price for the tote bag will be $40.

      • Committee: Select from the list of committees created in the system to indicate that the price should be for a certain committee's members only.

      • Contact Category: Select from the list of customer categories in the system. These are categories, or labels, applied to Organization or Individual Records. Customer categories can be added to the system from the Customers Application > Setup Feature and applied to the Customer Profile via the Accounts tab.

      • Country: The Country of the Customer’s primary address.

      • Custom Field Value: Custom fields that have been created in the system.

      • Customer Type: Whether the customer is an Individual or an Organization.

      • Exhibitor Employee: Individuals acting as the exhibit booth purchaser for an organization or those set as booth staff are considered exhibitor employees. This setting is only for organizations using the Exhibits App to sell booths--not for those using another method to sell booths in the system.

      • Guest Category: Select from the list of Guest-specific categories in the system to create prices that point to certain types of guests. Guest Categories are set up under the Customers Application > Setup Feature.

      • Is Certified: If the price recipient must be certified, choose which certification(s) are required.

      • Is Event Attended: Did an individual attend a certain event? Note that use of this setting requires the use of the "mark as attended" functionality for event registrants.

      • Is Event Guest: Choose an event to indicate pricing specific to guests of that event.

        Note: This can ONLY be used in the specific scenario of creating prices for event registration--if a registrant is registering a guest, or if they previously registered a guest and selected that guest again during a different registration, the "Is Event Guest" price attribute can be used.
        Because the system does not create a new customer record for event guests, this cannot be used for a non-event registration or for an event where the event guest is not being associated with the registrant they originally registered with.
        The exception to this rule is if the guest provides an email address--in this scenario it would be possible for an event guest can be associated with a different registrant from the one they originally registered with.

      • Is Event Registered: Is an individual registered for a certain event? This setting does not require use of the "mark as attended" functionality and requires only that they be registered.

      • Is Member: Indicates whether the price is for members only. This can also be used to cause a members-only price to appear for non-members as long as they also have the membership in their cart during checkout.

      • Is Member - Before Cart Only: Requires the customer to have been a member before adding the product to their cart in order to receive the price with this attribute. This setting is typically used for renewals or when requiring a customer to have been an active member for the previous term.

      • Is Member - In Cart Only: Requires the customer to have the membership in their shopping cart with the item using this price attribute.

      • Is Related Product: Indicates that the price should be active only when the product is being purchased as a related product.

      • Membership Status: Customers whose membership status eqthe Sandboxes to the status setting you choose. The list of Membership Statuses is accessible from the Memberships Application, Setup Feature.

      • Membership Status - Before Cart Only: Requires the customer to have been of a certain membership status before adding the product to their cart in order to receive the price with this attribute. This setting is typically used for renewals or when requiring a customer to have been an active member for the previous term.

      • Membership Status - In Cart Only: Requires the customer to have the membership in their shopping cart with the item using this price attribute.

      • Membership Type: The price is for customers holding a certain membership type.

      • Membership Type - Before Cart Only: The customer must have a certain membership type before the product is added to the cart. For example, they must have a Student membership type before adding the Professional membership type to the cart. This setting is typically used for renewals or when requiring a customer to have been an active member for the previous term.

      • Membership Type - In Cart Only: The customer must have a certain membership type in the cart.

      • Organization Type: The organization customer category type.

      • Source Code: Choose from the list of source codes under the Customers Application > Setup Feature.

      • Speaker Type: Speakers assigned the “Speaker Type” selected under this attribute type.

      • State: Customers with a primary address in the indicated State.

      • ZIP Code: Customers that fall within an indicated certain ZIP Code.

  4. The Is In check box allows staff to specify whether the price attribute should be applicable if a user is within the parameters specified or NOT within those parameters.

    Example: In the image below, the "Badge Print Count" attribute is being used, with a minimum print count of 5 and a maximum of 7. Because the Is In check box is checked, the price attribute will apply ONLY for customers with a badge print count that falls between 5 and 7.
    If Is In was unchecked, the resulting price attribute would apply ONLY for customers with a badge print count that does not fall between 5 and 7.

  5. Click Save. The price attribute will be added to the Attribute Group.

Add as many price attributes to the Attribute Group as necessary.

Note: When adding price attributes to a Group, keep in mind that multiple attributes are combined and "read" by the system with the Boolean operator "AND."
E.g., if three price attributes (X, Y, and Z) are added to an Attribute Group, the system will read them as "X" AND "Y" AND "Z," meaning that a customer must meet the qualities outlined in attribute X, and Y, and Z, in order to receive the price.
Keep this in mind when creating Attribute Groups—for example, creating a Group with the attributes “State = VA” and “State = TX” requires a customer address to be in both Virginia and Texas simultaneously, which is impossible.